Details of Sir Edmund Hillary’s life…

These are just some of the details of Sir Edmund Hillary’s life… Ranging from when he was born… To when he sadly passed away…

 Edmund Hillary was born on the 20th of July in 1919 and this is where his journey began. He was the second of three children and was brought up in Auckland, New Zealand. When he grew up, he helped his dad on a bee farm and he became a beekeeper. In 1939, Hillary took an interest of climbing mountains. His first mountain that he climbed was Mount Olivier, in the Southern Alps. He then moved on to something harder, which was Mt Cook. He first climbed Mt Cook in 1947. Around this time, Hillary became so interested in climbing, that he left his home country and travelled around Europe climbing anything there, including the Austrian and Swiss Alps.

By climbing all these mountains, Edmund Hillary felt he was experienced enough to reach the summit of the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, measuring at an amazing 8848meters high. With the help of Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest once and for all, at 11:30 on the morning of May 29th, 1953. The Queen of England (Queen Elizabeth) realized Edmund Hillary’s achievement and gave him a knighthood and the title of  Sir Edmund Hillary. But he did not stop there, he climbed Mount Everest a few more times until he came back to New Zealand and continued work as a beekeeper. In 1953, on the 3rd of  September, Sir Edmund Hillary also married a woman by the name of Louise Rose. When bakc in New Zealand, Hillary wrote and published many biography’s, books and magazines. At this time, Sir Edmund Hillary was the star of New Zealand.

Sir Edmund Hillary also led a team to the South Pole on the 4th of January, 1958. They were the first men to reach the South Pole since Robert Falcon Scott. Sorry but this topic will not be covered within the pages provided.

Sir Edmund Hillary lived a very happy life, climbing mountains and publishing items, but he also created “THE HIMALAYAN TRUST”. This was a trust for the Sherpa’s that weren’t wealthy around the area of Mount Everest in the Himalayans. He created many schools, hospitals which will all be explained in the next few pages.

Sir Edmund Hillary’s huge adventure all sadly ended, when he passed away on the 11th of January 2008. He lived a happy life and when he passed away, he had no regrets with what he decided to do with his life.


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