Captures of Memories…

This page will have pictures and a little song, from the memories that came from Sir Edmund Hillary…




Ed Hillary kept an apiary
Out Papakura way;
He hived his bees
Beneath the trees
And dreamed about the day
When he would climb Mt Everest
And proudly stand upon it:
His neighbours jeered
And said they feared
A bee was in his bonnet.

When Hillary was a tiny tot
He scaled the garden wall;
And he would dare
The steepest stair
As soon as he could crawl;
At school he climbed the flagpole high
And hung his cap upon it –
Not knowing yet
That he would get
A halo round his bonnet.

When Hillary grew to man’s estate
He still pursued his dream;
One summer day
He sailed away
With a mountaineering team.
The world has hailed his conquest bold
So I’ll make no comment on it –
Except that he
Got a KCB
And a feather in his bonnet.
Sir Edmund, he got married and
Assumed a parent’s role;
But he could not rest
So went in quest
Of adventure to the Pole.
With death across Antarctic snows
He ran a race and won it,
And brought to fame
New Zealand’s name
In his fur-lined leather bonnet
 Sir Ed so loved the Sherpa folk
that for twenty years he toiled
To build them schools
And hospitals
On their steep mountain soil.
In every shrine an image hangs
With Ed displayed apon it.
It’s not thought odd
That he’s a god
In a flower-draped silken bonnet

 Bibliography:, 14/08/2011  

I am ever so sorry if the song doesn’t work for you…. But, don’t worry because more is following…

This picture to the left shows Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing on the way up Mount Everest and the picture closest to the left is Sir Edmund Hillary himself  at the very top of Mount Everest. These pictures show just how harsh the conditions were, with snow so cold that it is pretty much just ice, and no oxygen for the breath of one that dare climbs up Mount Everest.


To the right is one of the many books that Sir Edmund Hillary published. This one with the title of “I was the first to conquer EVEREST”. This is a bibliography through the life of Sir Edmund Hillary as it says on the side “MY STORY”





To the left again, is a well-known photo of Sir Edmund Hillary at the age of 75. He is pulling a cheesy smile to the camera, even though he will probably be thinking back to that first time he conquered Mount Everest.



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